Class RiDriver
In: ri/ri_driver.rb
Parent: Object


Public Class methods


    # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 14
14:   def initialize
15:     @options = RI::Options.instance
17:     args = ARGV
18:     if ENV["RI"]
19:       args = ENV["RI"].split.concat(ARGV)
20:     end
22:     @options.parse(args)
24:     path = @options.path
25:     report_missing_documentation @options.raw_path if path.empty?
27:     @ri_reader =
28:     @display   = @options.displayer
29:   end

Public Instance methods


     # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 84
 84:   def get_info_for(arg)
 85:     desc =
 87:     namespaces = @ri_reader.top_level_namespace
 89:     for class_name in desc.class_names
 90:       namespaces = @ri_reader.lookup_namespace_in(class_name, namespaces)
 91:       if namespaces.empty?
 92:         raise"Nothing known about #{arg}")
 93:       end
 94:     end
 96:     # at this point, if we have multiple possible namespaces, but one
 97:     # is an exact match for our requested class, prune down to just it
 99:     full_class_name = desc.full_class_name
100:     entries = namespaces.find_all {|m| m.full_name == full_class_name}
101:     namespaces = entries if entries.size == 1
103:     if desc.method_name.nil?
104:       report_class_stuff(namespaces)
105:     else
106:       methods = @ri_reader.find_methods(desc.method_name, 
107:                                         desc.is_class_method,
108:                                         namespaces)
110:       if methods.empty?
111:         raise"Nothing known about #{arg}")
112:       else
113:         report_method_stuff(desc.method_name, methods)
114:       end
115:     end
116:   end


     # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 120
120:   def process_args
121:     if @options.list_classes
122:       classes = @ri_reader.full_class_names
123:       @display.list_known_classes(classes)
124:     elsif @options.list_names
125:       names = @ri_reader.all_names
126:       @display.list_known_names(names)
127:     else
128:       if
129:         @display.display_usage
130:       else
131:         begin
132:           ARGV.each do |arg|
133:             get_info_for(arg)
134:           end
135:         rescue RiError => e
136:           STDERR.puts(e.message)
137:           exit(1)
138:         end
139:       end
140:     end
141:   end


    # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 66
66:   def report_class_stuff(namespaces)
67:     if namespaces.size == 1
68:       klass = @ri_reader.get_class(namespaces[0])
69:       @display.display_class_info(klass, @ri_reader)
70:     else 
71: #      entries = namespaces.find_all {|m| m.full_name == requested_class_name}
72: #      if entries.size == 1
73: #        klass = @ri_reader.get_class(entries[0])
74: #        @display.display_class_info(klass, @ri_reader)
75: #      else
76:         @display.display_class_list(namespaces)
77: #      end
78:     end
79:   end

If the list of matching methods contains exactly one entry, or if it contains an entry that exactly matches the requested method, then display that entry, otherwise display the list of matching method names


    # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 49
49:   def report_method_stuff(requested_method_name, methods)
50:     if methods.size == 1
51:       method = @ri_reader.get_method(methods[0])
52:       @display.display_method_info(method)
53:     else
54:       entries = methods.find_all {|m| == requested_method_name}
55:       if entries.size == 1
56:         method = @ri_reader.get_method(entries[0])
57:         @display.display_method_info(method)
58:       else
59:         @display.display_method_list(methods)
60:       end
61:     end
62:   end

Couldn‘t find documentation in path, so tell the user what to do


    # File ri/ri_driver.rb, line 33
33:   def report_missing_documentation(path)
34:     STDERR.puts "No ri documentation found in:"
35:     path.each do |d|
36:       STDERR.puts "     #{d}"
37:     end
38:     STDERR.puts "\nWas rdoc run to create documentation?\n\n"
39:     RDoc::usage("Installing Documentation")
40:   end
