Class | RDoc::RI::Formatter |
In: |
Parent: | Object |
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 19 19: def initialize(output, width, indent) 20: @output = output 21: @width = width 22: @indent = indent 23: end
Called when we want to ensure a new ‘wrap’ starts on a newline. Only needed for HtmlFormatter, because the rest do their own line breaking.
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 75 75: def break_to_newline 76: end
Convert HTML entities back to ASCII
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 89 89: def conv_html(txt) 90: txt = txt.gsub(/>/, '>') 91: txt.gsub!(/</, '<') 92: txt.gsub!(/"/, '"') 93: txt.gsub!(/&/, '&') 94: txt 95: end
Convert markup into display form
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 100 100: def conv_markup(txt) 101: txt = txt.gsub(%r{<tt>(.*?)</tt>}, '+\1+') 102: txt.gsub!(%r{<code>(.*?)</code>}, '+\1+') 103: txt.gsub!(%r{<b>(.*?)</b>}, '*\1*') 104: txt.gsub!(%r{<em>(.*?)</em>}, '_\1_') 105: txt 106: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 205 205: def display_flow(flow) 206: flow.each do |f| 207: display_flow_item(f) 208: end 209: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 153 153: def display_flow_item(item, prefix = @indent) 154: case item 155: when RDoc::Markup::Flow::P, RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI 156: wrap(conv_html(item.body), prefix) 157: blankline 158: 159: when RDoc::Markup::Flow::LIST 160: display_list(item) 161: 162: when RDoc::Markup::Flow::VERB 163: display_verbatim_flow_item(item, @indent) 164: 165: when RDoc::Markup::Flow::H 166: display_heading(conv_html(item.text), item.level, @indent) 167: 168: when RDoc::Markup::Flow::RULE 169: draw_line 170: 171: else 172: raise RDoc::Error, "Unknown flow element: #{item.class}" 173: end 174: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 183 183: def display_heading(text, level, indent) 184: text = strip_attributes text 185: 186: case level 187: when 1 then 188: ul = "=" * text.length 189: @output.puts 190: @output.puts text.upcase 191: @output.puts ul 192: 193: when 2 then 194: ul = "-" * text.length 195: @output.puts 196: @output.puts text 197: @output.puts ul 198: else 199: @output.print indent, text, "\n" 200: end 201: 202: @output.puts 203: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 108 108: def display_list(list) 109: case list.type 110: when :BULLET 111: prefixer = proc { |ignored| @indent + "* " } 112: 113: when :NUMBER, :UPPERALPHA, :LOWERALPHA then 114: start = case list.type 115: when :NUMBER then 1 116: when :UPPERALPHA then 'A' 117: when :LOWERALPHA then 'a' 118: end 119: 120: prefixer = proc do |ignored| 121: res = @indent + "#{start}.".ljust(4) 122: start = start.succ 123: res 124: end 125: 126: when :LABELED, :NOTE then 127: longest = 0 128: 129: list.contents.each do |item| 130: if RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI === item and item.label.length > longest then 131: longest = item.label.length 132: end 133: end 134: 135: longest += 1 136: 137: prefixer = proc { |li| @indent + li.label.ljust(longest) } 138: 139: else 140: raise ArgumentError, "unknown list type #{list.type}" 141: end 142: 143: list.contents.each do |item| 144: if RDoc::Markup::Flow::LI === item then 145: prefix = item 146: display_flow_item item, prefix 147: else 148: display_flow_item item 149: end 150: end 151: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 176 176: def display_verbatim_flow_item(item, prefix=@indent) 177: item.body.split(/\n/).each do |line| 178: @output.print @indent, conv_html(line), "\n" 179: end 180: blankline 181: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 25 25: def draw_line(label=nil) 26: len = @width 27: len -= (label.size + 1) if label 28: 29: if len > 0 then 30: @output.print '-' * len 31: if label 32: @output.print ' ' 33: bold_print label 34: end 35: 36: @output.puts 37: else 38: @output.print '-' * @width 39: @output.puts 40: 41: @output.puts label 42: end 43: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 211 211: def strip_attributes(text) 212: text.gsub(/(<\/?(?:b|code|em|i|tt)>)/, '') 213: end
# File ri/formatter.rb, line 45 45: def wrap(txt, prefix=@indent, linelen=@width) 46: return unless txt && !txt.empty? 47: 48: work = conv_markup(txt) 49: textLen = linelen - prefix.length 50: patt ="^(.{0,#{textLen}})[ \n]") 51: next_prefix ="^ ", " ") 52: 53: res = [] 54: 55: while work.length > textLen 56: if work =~ patt 57: res << $1 58: work.slice!(0, $&.length) 59: else 60: res << work.slice!(0, textLen) 61: end 62: end 63: res << work if work.length.nonzero? 64: @output.puts(prefix + res.join("\n" + next_prefix)) 65: end