Class RI::TextFormatter
In: ri/ri_formatter.rb
Parent: Object

Finally, fill in the list of known formatters



FORMATTERS = { "ansi" => AnsiFormatter, "bs" => OverstrikeFormatter, "html" => HtmlFormatter, "plain" => TextFormatter, "simple" => SimpleFormatter, }


indent  [R] 

Public Class methods


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 664
664:     def TextFormatter.for(name)
665:       FORMATTERS[name.downcase]
666:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 660
660:     def TextFormatter.list
661:       FORMATTERS.keys.sort.join(", ")
662:     end


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 6
 6:     def initialize(options, indent)
 7:       @options = options
 8:       @width   = options.width
 9:       @indent  = indent
10:     end

Public Instance methods


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 51
51:     def blankline
52:       puts
53:     end


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 66
66:     def bold_print(txt)
67:       print txt
68:     end

called when we want to ensure a nbew ‘wrap’ starts on a newline Only needed for HtmlFormatter, because the rest do their own line breaking


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 61
61:     def break_to_newline
62:     end

convert HTML entities back to ASCII


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 79
79:     def conv_html(txt)
80:       txt.
81:           gsub(/>/, '>').
82:           gsub(/&lt;/, '<').
83:           gsub(/&quot;/, '"').
84:           gsub(/&amp;/, '&')
86:     end

convert markup into display form


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 89
89:     def conv_markup(txt)
90:       txt.
91:           gsub(%r{<tt>(.*?)</tt>}) { "+#$1+" } .
92:           gsub(%r{<code>(.*?)</code>}) { "+#$1+" } .
93:           gsub(%r{<b>(.*?)</b>}) { "*#$1*" } .
94:           gsub(%r{<em>(.*?)</em>}) { "_#$1_" }
95:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 210
210:     def display_flow(flow)
211:       flow.each do |f|
212:         display_flow_item(f)
213:       end
214:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 154
154:     def display_flow_item(item, prefix=@indent)
155:       case item
156:       when SM::Flow::P, SM::Flow::LI
157:         wrap(conv_html(item.body), prefix)
158:         blankline
160:       when SM::Flow::LIST
161:         display_list(item)
163:       when SM::Flow::VERB
164:         display_verbatim_flow_item(item, @indent)
166:       when SM::Flow::H
167:         display_heading(conv_html(item.text), item.level, @indent)
169:       when SM::Flow::RULE
170:         draw_line
172:       else
173:         fail "Unknown flow element: #{item.class}"
174:       end
175:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 188
188:     def display_heading(text, level, indent)
189:       text = strip_attributes(text)
190:       case level
191:       when 1
192:         ul = "=" * text.length
193:         puts
194:         puts text.upcase
195:         puts ul
196: #        puts
198:       when 2
199:         ul = "-" * text.length
200:         puts
201:         puts text
202:         puts ul
203: #        puts
204:       else
205:         print indent, text, "\n"
206:       end
207:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 99
 99:     def display_list(list)
100:       case list.type
102:       when SM::ListBase::BULLET 
103:         prefixer = proc { |ignored| @indent + "*   " }
105:       when SM::ListBase::NUMBER,
106:       SM::ListBase::UPPERALPHA,
107:       SM::ListBase::LOWERALPHA
109:         start = case list.type
110:                 when SM::ListBase::NUMBER      then 1
111:                 when  SM::ListBase::UPPERALPHA then 'A'
112:                 when SM::ListBase::LOWERALPHA  then 'a'
113:                 end
114:         prefixer = proc do |ignored|
115:           res = @indent + "#{start}.".ljust(4)
116:           start = start.succ
117:           res
118:         end
120:       when SM::ListBase::LABELED
121:         prefixer = proc do |li|
122:           li.label
123:         end
125:       when SM::ListBase::NOTE
126:         longest = 0
127:         list.contents.each do |item|
128:           if item.kind_of?(SM::Flow::LI) && item.label.length > longest
129:             longest = item.label.length
130:           end
131:         end
133:         prefixer = proc do |li|
134:           @indent + li.label.ljust(longest+1)
135:         end
137:       else
138:         fail "unknown list type"
140:       end
142:       list.contents.each do |item|
143:         if item.kind_of? SM::Flow::LI
144:           prefix =
145:           display_flow_item(item, prefix)
146:         else
147:           display_flow_item(item)
148:         end
149:        end
150:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 179
179:     def display_verbatim_flow_item(item, prefix=@indent)
180:         item.body.split(/\n/).each do |line|
181:           print @indent, conv_html(line), "\n"
182:         end
183:         blankline
184:     end


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 15
15:     def draw_line(label=nil)
16:       len = @width
17:       len -= (label.size+1) if label
18:       print "-"*len
19:       if label
20:         print(" ")
21:         bold_print(label) 
22:       end
23:       puts
24:     end


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 72
72:     def raw_print_line(txt)
73:       puts txt
74:     end


     # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 216
216:     def strip_attributes(txt)
217:       tokens = txt.split(%r{(</?(?:b|code|em|i|tt)>)})
218:       text = [] 
219:       attributes = 0
220:       tokens.each do |tok|
221:         case tok
222:         when %r{^</(\w+)>$}, %r{^<(\w+)>$}
223:           ;
224:         else
225:           text << tok
226:         end
227:       end
228:       text.join
229:     end


    # File ri/ri_formatter.rb, line 28
28:     def wrap(txt,  prefix=@indent, linelen=@width)
29:       return unless txt && !txt.empty?
30:       work = conv_markup(txt)
31:       textLen = linelen - prefix.length
32:       patt ="^(.{0,#{textLen}})[ \n]")
33:       next_prefix ="^ ", " ")
35:       res = []
37:       while work.length > textLen
38:         if work =~ patt
39:           res << $1
40:           work.slice!(0, $&.length)
41:         else
42:           res << work.slice!(0, textLen)
43:         end
44:       end
45:       res << work if work.length.nonzero?
46:       puts(prefix + res.join("\n" + next_prefix))
47:     end
